Yoga - stretching to maintain flexibility of spine

Yoga - stretching to maintain flexibility of the spine

5 Mint Female Yoga workout Impossible | Ashtanga Yoga Demo by Laruga Glaser

Around the world, across the sea  - leave what doesn’t serve behind and UP YOUR CONNECT! This week’s free practice is designed as a celebratory practice for the connection within and the ties that bind us all.

THE HARDEST PART is taking time for yourself. It is not selfish - it's vital. The world needs you at your best. Take 20 minutes today to connect to what matters most.

Let me know how it goes in the comment section down below!

This is a very powerful practice. 20 mins are just right. I managed to keep up to the end, finding that leg raises in downward dog quite challenging for me but I have learned from you Adriene to breathe through it and stick with it and this is what builds my strength in an awesome way. I really loved and felt the connection with you around the world practicing together  .... truly amazing and such fun!

I swear that your videos always come at the perfect time! I’ve been feeling low recently and have been lying in bed all morning feeling miserable. Then I saw this notification and saw that the practice wasn’t too long (I’m not in the right headspace for a full practice right now) and am going to do it now. Thank you so much

I have been following you since just before 30 Days of Yoga. Throughout the years you have made me laugh, cry, CONNECT, Find What Feels Good. You have boosted my confidence, cradled my broken heart, helped me find the answers within.  You encourage me to rediscover the magic that flourishes inside of me anytime I lose sight of it.  I honestly direct so many people to your page because I stand confidently behind you and I believe in you ("You have what? Oh, you should try my girl Yoga With Adriene on YouTube.... yeah A-D-R-I-E-N-E.").  You have changed my life in the most gentle and positive way possible.  So I just want to say...Thank you so much for always showing up for us. Thank you for loving us and believing in us.  Thank you for always having our back and providing a platform for ALL.  Thank you for Being the Change you want to see.  It is truly inspiring and it warms my heart. Taps into inner smile Thus, I conclude with this:  I absolutely love it when two of my favorite things on the planet sync up and,  I'm not gonna lie, I've been waiting for you to hit 4 million so I could share this video with you cuz I love Bruno and I love YOU!  Now off to hop into something comfy and Up My Connect.

Congratulations to you! I am so proud of you!

I've just been sitting in the kitchen with a cup of ginger tea, waiting for this to come up. Now I can hop on the mat and start my day the right way! Lots of love and happy belated birthday wishes from Germany! The awesome in me bows to the awesome in you (and Benji of course)!

Hey yo sweet Sunday, magical yoga practice day. A little lone time for ourselves that works wonders when it comes to reclaiming what is lost and reconnecting the disconnected. You have really been life changing to me and us of the community. Keep the magic up for you have already done so much for the world that cannot be appreciated enough using words alone. Thank you for being who you are and making my/our day every day all over the world. Stay amazing. Much love.

So excited for this! Happy Birthday for yesterday also!! I do yoga every day and have been noticing how close to 4 million subscribers you are and today I saw you had done it! Well done!! You're so deserving ❤ this is a nice practice for after the creativity practice I did this morning into restarting the 30 days of yoga again tomorrow! It's the very first daily yoga practice I ever did with your guidance back in May and I'm excited to revisit it and see how far I've come!

it's just what I needed today! I caught a cold and have been feeling awful for almost a week without having the energy to do yoga or anything else... Today I came across this video about reconnection with yourself and I really feel much better after this practice. Blessings Adriene, you rock

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